Optimizing donation landing pages to improve conversion rates

Mar 29, 2024
Sage Avarda
Content Marketing Manager

Each time someone new discovers your nonprofit organization, their first impression is likely through a donation landing page. Fundraising pages are a valuable way to strengthen connections through compelling messaging. They can also improve conversion rates when intentionally designed for a simplified donation process. To improve donation page conversion rates, let’s explore best practices for optimization.

Identify what’s working and what’s not

Several factors contribute to a low donor conversion rate, from the number of fields to complete to intrusive form redirects to slow page load times.

It’s essential to look closely at your organization’s current donation landing page to understand its performance before any major adjustments. When it’s clear what’s working and what’s not, your nonprofit can implement targeted changes to lower donation abandonment and increase donor conversion.

Set goals for optimization

Although the primary goal of any donation landing page is to motivate giving, take time to plan specific goals for page optimization.

Establish the purpose this fundraising landing page will serve in relation to your organization’s larger efforts. For example, will it support a unique campaign or program? Or will it be the primary page for all campaign efforts?

Then, consider what performance factors are most important to support its purpose. Whether the goal is to increase the average donation amount, improve the overall conversion rate, or reduce donation abandonment, having a specific objective in mind will lead to more successful results.

Audit landing page performance

Conduct a thorough audit of your nonprofit’s donation landing page to identify where page functionality may be falling short. Review the donation page’s conversion rate and analytics to establish a benchmark for how each element currently supports the defined goals.

If it becomes clear that limited site functionality or legacy technology is holding back page performance, consider upgrading your organization’s fundraising tech stack.

Define success

Decide how to measure and track progress toward optimization goals, and be as specific as possible. Prioritize areas of focus for optimization and the resources to monitor performance. Lastly, set a timeline for success that is realistic for your nonprofit’s goals.

This will not only lay the groundwork for informed decision-making, but also ensure clear accountability throughout the process.

5 best practices to optimize donation landing pages

Optimized donation landing pages should make it easy to give in as few steps as possible. There are many ways to customize the form and function of a landing page to your organization’s goals, but above all else, look for ways to reduce friction.

1. Simplify the donation process

When a willingness to give is met with an uncomplicated, user-friendly experience, donors can contribute with minimal effort. To streamline the donation process, limit the required steps so donations can be completed quickly.

Use an easy-to-fill form that gathers necessary information and accommodates multiple payment options. Enabling additional preferences such as digital wallets, not just credit cards, contributes to an easier donation process with greater potential for conversion.

2. Build trust with transparency

Provide transparent information about your organization and how donations will be used. Along with social proof, such as testimonials and success stories, this can reinforce the credibility of your cause.

Suggested donation amounts optimized by AI are an effective way to increase generosity because they demonstrate both accountability and the specific impact a donor can have.

3. Make the message clear

Communicate the purpose of your cause in terms that are easy to understand. Use emotionally resonant language that gets to the heart of your nonprofit’s work to help donors align your organization’s message with their values.

Motivate them to follow through with a clear call to action (CTA) that creates a sense of urgency. Donation buttons are an effective way to integrate CTAs that increase conversion. For example, encourage recurring giving with a simple opt-in to give monthly.

4. Optimize for mobile

The convenience of connected devices allows potential donors to visit a fundraising page from virtually anywhere. Be sure to use a mobile-friendly, responsive design for your donation landing page so the display adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. This will enhance the experience for every device and prevent donation abandonment if the page fails to load on a phone or tablet.

5. A/B test for continuous improvement

Over time, your nonprofit’s message and campaigns will naturally evolve. Regularly review performance metrics to understand changes in user behavior and make data-driven decisions to align with your optimization goals.

Experiment with different page elements, such as headlines, images, and CTAs. Analyze the results to gain insight into what resonates best with donors and continue to make measured changes to improve donation page conversion rates.

Optimize with Fundraise Up

When layered together, these best practices can significantly improve the effectiveness of donation landing pages.

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Boost donations with high-conversion checkouts, AI, global payments, and 100+ features.
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