With Fundraise Up, automatically get more monthly donors

Nov 20, 2020
Nelly Dudukalova
Product Marketing Manager

Monthly Upsell operates automatically to get you more donors and donations.

Do you have a monthly giving program? A lot of organizations we chat with share that they shied away from monthly giving before using Fundraise Up, not because they don’t think it’s important, but because it seems like a lot of work — and it can be — but it doesn’t have to be. Enter Monthly Upsell.

Monthly Upsell is a powerful feature that automatically and intelligently encourages one-time donors to convert to monthly support during checkout.

Leveraging our machine learning capabilities, we’re able to calculate the right monthly donation amounts to present to your website visitors. In fact, we only show suggested amounts that will boost the lifetime value (LTV) of your donors.

To complement the machine learning magic happening behind the scenes, we incorporate psychology-driven design into the checkout experience. Using subtle visual cues, we’re able to motivate donors to show greater monthly support to your organization.

The result? Over 40% of your one-time donors switch to showing monthly support. For the International Community Foundation (ICF), for example, this meant moving from 17 to over 200 monthly donors and seeing an online giving revenue increase of 46%.

By the way, you don’t need to spend precious budget soliciting donors to join your monthly giving program, and not a single email or direct mail appeal has to be sent to garner recurring support. Monthly Upsell operates automatically to get you more donors and donations.

Ready to learn more? Read our ICF case study on monthly giving, dive in with our recurring giving feature, and head over to our demo website to see Monthly Upsell in action.

And if you’re not yet using Fundraise Up, book a demo with our team to see how we can help grow your monthly giving program.

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