Newest update makes tribute giving even easier

Aug 19, 2021
Nelly Dudukalova
Product Marketing Manager

At Fundraise Up, we are committed to innovation so you can raise more revenue.

Recently, we observed that gift dedication had been a frequent point of friction in the donation experience. That’s why we’ve updated our tribute process so the checkout is now separate from the tribute designation.

So what's changing?

Previously, donors would be expected to fill out all of their tribute information before their payment was processed. Putting this step before the donation could result in donors becoming distracted or inundated with too many fields to complete.

So, we changed the order of the steps. Now, after electing to make a tribute, donors will only need to provide the name of their tribute, and then complete our standard 30-second checkout as normal. Once the payment is processed will they be prompted to fill out the rest of their tribute details in their donor portal, resulting in 20% less time spent completing their dedicated gift.

See it in action

Will the new tribute process improve my conversion rates?

Yes! Our tests show a 5.3% relative increase in conversion rate. That's a 5.3% increase in donations from this change alone.

Will the new tribute process encourage more donors to make a dedication?

Yes. We observed a staggering 200.4% increase in the number of tribute donations as compared to the previous process!

When will I see the new tribute process in my Fundraise Up dashboard?

The new Tribute process will be rolling out for all Fundraise Up users on September 1st, 2021.

New features have been added as well, including a new email template and enhanced customization. To learn even more about what this update means for you, view our help center documentation here.

Finally, stay tuned for even more additions to our tribute card features — because we think —sometimes— an old-fashioned letter just means more than an email.

About Fundraise Up

Fundraise Up is a rapidly growing financial technology company headquartered in Brooklyn, NY that provides online fundraising software to enterprise nonprofits. Fundraise Up's AI-powered platform is leveraged by trusted organizations like UNICEF USA to double annual digital donation revenue and triple recurring donor acquisition.

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