Supporter impact

Encourage other supporters by showing a live donation feed.

Enabling Show other supporters’ impact allows you to include a social proof-style list of donations recently made to your Campaign.

This feature functions in a very similar way to the Recent Donations element, showing a list of donations just made to this campaign along with some optional details about the supporter. Supporters will be able to see their donation in the feed around 30 seconds after donating.

If the Supporter impact is enabled for a Campaign Page used in a Fundraiser, only donations made to that specific Fundraiser will be shown, not the entire campaign.

This component will only appear on your Page if the associated campaign has received at least 3 non-anonymous donations.

Displaying supporter information

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Choose how your supporters’ names should be displayed: full name, first name with last name initial, first name only or no name at all. You must show at least one of the four details about the donation in the checkboxes, but can enable any combination of the four.

Currency display options

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Choose which currency donation amounts should be displayed in the Supporter Impact feed.

  • Actual currency: select this option to show all donations in the actual currency the original donation was made in.
  • Detected currency: if you select this option, the site visitor viewing the Recent Donations list on your page will see all donations in the currency that’s local to them.
  • Specified currency: if you select this option, you can then choose a specific currency (e.g. USD) that all donations in the list will be shown in.
Crypto donations’ approximate values will always be displayed in your organization’s default currency.


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