
Set up your Campaign Pages and Checkout modals, plus other key Campaign-related settings.

Configure the most important general settings for your campaign, including the name, format, and end date.

Campaign name

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This is the title assigned to the Campaign. The campaign name is used across the platform and can be inserted into emails and specific fields as a merge variable. It is also used in built-in integrations for mapping and included in Export templates.

Campaign code

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This field is optional. Setting a campaign code is useful for organizations with standardized reporting structure across fundraising, marketing, or finance teams. It is a mappable property in many integrations and can be included in Export templates.

Campaign format options

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Choose your preferred format for this campaign. You must select at least one option, but you may select both.

  • The Checkout modal displays the Checkout form as an overlay on your website, alongside an image and text.
  • The Campaign Page creates a separate web page with an integrated Checkout form at the side.

When both formats are enabled, the following rules determine which sources open which format:

Elements: Donate Button, Donation Form, Sticky Button, Image Card, Message Bar, Popup, Impact Slider, Top Fundraisers, Donation Levels, Message Bar, Simple Form, Button Group Checkout modal
Elements: Donate Link, QR Code Campaign Page
Direct link to the campaign (please note: these types of link could only be created before August 18th, 2023) Campaign Page
Fundraisers, when opened from an element on the organization's website Cheсkout modal
Fundraisers Link element Campaign Page

Choosing between a Campaign Page and a Checkout modal

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The Campaign Page and the Checkout modal are two key elements that your supporters will interact with. Unlike the Checkout modal, which requires you to install our code on your site, the Campaign Page does not need this. Therefore, the Campaign Page is perfect for quickly launching your first campaign, especially in situations where installing the Fundraise Up code on your site is delayed.

Checkout modal

Appears as an overlay on your existing site content.

Best suited for:

  • Donations made directly on your primary website.


  • No need for supporters to be redirected elsewhere.
  • Enables seamless donations from any page on your site.

Campaign Page

Functions as a separate donation page with an integrated checkout.

Best suited for:

  • Event landing pages.
  • Marketing initiatives.
  • External links.


  • Fully narrates your campaign's story.
  • Increases visibility through SEO optimization.

Campaign URL

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Create a unique URL slug for supporters to access the Checkout modal or the Campaign Page for this Campaign. The examples below this box show how the link will appear. Please note that the example URL you see in the Dashboard is for reference only. A custom link following this format will be generated for any page on your site.

This slug will be added to your organization’s web address for the Checkout mode, or to the domain you set up in the Donor Portal section of your Dashboard settings for your Campaign Page.

Campaign End Date

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Set a specific end date to automatically disable and archive the campaign.


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