
Learn how to use Designations in your Campaign.

In Checkout, designations can be enabled to help categorize donations. Use designations to provide supporters with greater clarity about how their donation will be used and to improve your organization’s ability to track and report on which causes supporters are giving to.

You can view all your designations in your main organization designation settings.

By default, designations are not enabled in new campaigns. To enable designations, go to a campaign’s settings and select Enable gift designations. Once designations are enabled, you can search and select existing designations or create new designations.

Designations display

When you enable designations, a new Designate to option will be displayed on the first Checkout screen in your Checkout modal or Campaign Page. When only one designation is enabled, the Designate to label shows the name of the designation, but it cannot be interacted with. When multiple designations are enabled, the default designation (described below) is shown and is selectable. When selected, a dropdown menu of all enabled designations is shown. A supporter can then select an alternate designation.

Setting a default designation

When you enable multiple designations, you can set one as the default. The default designation is the option automatically displayed to supporters when the Checkout modal or Campaign page is launched. There are three possible settings for configuring default designation behavior. These settings are accessed from the three-dot vertical menu displayed for each designation item (note that this menu only appears once you have added at least two designations).

  • Make default for all donations: this option sets that particular designation as the default for both one-time and recurring donation. Supporters can still choose a different designation if they wish.
  • Make default for one time: this option will set the selected designation as the default when the supporter has selected Give once as their donation frequency. Supporters can still select an alternate designation.
  • Make default for recurring: this option will set the selected designation as the default when the supporter has chosen a recurring donation frequency in Checkout. Supporters can still select an alternate designation.

Restricting designations

In some cases, you may want to make some designations available only for specific donation frequencies. There are two settings accessible from a designation’s three-dot menu to address this use case:

  • Restrict to one time: When this option is enabled for a designation, it will only be visible and selectable when the supporter has selected Give once in the Checkout form.
  • Restrict to recurring: When this option is enabled for a designation, it will only be visible and selectable when the supporter has chosen a recurring donation frequency in the Checkout form.

Designation ordering

When multiple designations are enabled for a campaign, their display order can be set by dragging them into the desired order. This is done using the six-dot drag handle displayed at the left edge of each designation item.


Designation titles can be localized using any of Fundraise Up’s supported language localizations. Translations can be added for each designation from the Designations section of your main Dashboard Settings. Learn more →

When localization is activated for a campaign and not all designation names have been translated for enabled languages, a prompt to provide missing translations will be displayed with the designation item.
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