
Choose the donation frequencies you'll suggest to supporters.

Donation frequencies denote the regularity with which a donation is made, such as once, monthly, or quarterly.

Default and second frequencies

The default frequency is the donation frequency shown to supporters by default. The second frequency is optional, and will appear as a second selectable option in the donation form if added.

Available frequencies

  • Once
  • Monthly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Biweekly (every 2 weeks)
  • Every 4 weeks
  • Bimonthly (every 2 months)
  • Quarterly (every 3 months)
  • Semiannually (every 6 months)
  • Annually

AI optimization

  • Suggest a recurring donation before checkout: Enable this option to allow our AI to determine whether to suggest a recurring donation before checkout. This feature can help convert up to 30% of one-time supporters to recurring supporters.
  • Suggest a monthly donation after checkout: Enable this option to let our AI decide when to offer a post-donation upsell, maximizing conversion without affecting the donation flow or conversion. Note that this upsell will not be shown to supporters who made a donation with a tribute during checkout.


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