
How to customize emails at the Campaign level

This article covers how to configure and customize emails for your campaigns, which overrides settings applied at the account level.


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At the campaign level, you can customize the following emails:

  • One-time receipt
  • Donation failed
  • Scheduled donation
  • Plan receipt
  • Installment receipt
  • Plan scheduled
  • Tribute e-card
  • Fundraiser started
  • Member welcome

These are the emails that supporters who make a contribution might receive before any others. As it’s their first interaction post-donation, these are the emails that can be customized to match the specific campaign the supporter donated to. Other emails can only be customized at the account level.

Changes you make to campaign-level emails in the Customization tab will automatically apply to every email associated with that campaign, and will override your main Dashboard settings for that campaign’s emails.

Enabling and disabling emails

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The configuration view for every email includes a Send email dropdown. This dropdown enables you to choose whether or not the email should be sent to your supporters. When the option is set to Do not send, Fundraise Up will not send that email. Toggling off certain emails is helpful if you already have a separate system in place for sending these emails to supporters.

As best practice and where possible, we recommend using Fundraise Up’s built-in emails, as they have a high deliverability rate, are designed to render correctly in all modern email clients, and often contain deeplinks that enable supporters to easily access information within Donor Portal or other supporter-facing areas of the platform.

Setting the Send email setting to Do not send for a campaign level email will not affect the setting for the email at the account level.

Previewing and sending test emails

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Viewing templates

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The configuration view for every email includes an option for previewing emails. When Show preview is selected, a modal is launched that renders the email template and any customizations that have been applied to it.

Sending test emails

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The preview modal contains a Send test email button. When the button is selected, you are able to input an email address where a test version of the email will be sent. You can use any valid email address. Emails sent using this function include a test mode heading to help differentiate test emails from production emails.

Campaign-level customizations

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The Emails section of your campaign settings also includes tools for configuring and customizing emails for the selected Campaign. Any modifications to emails in this area of the platform will not impact emails for other Campaigns or the customizations set at the account level.

Overriding account-level customizations

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By default, Campaign emails inherit the customizations set at the account level. To override these customizations, select the Change option next to the properties you want to modify in the settings view of each email. As mentioned above, changes made to emails at the campaign level will, for that particular campaign, override settings implemented in the main Dashboard setting.

Restoring default content

If you ever wish to revert the property values you have modified for campaign emails, you can select the Restore option displayed for each property in the settings view of each email.

Customization settings

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The customization controls for emails at the Campaign level mirror the controls available at the account level in Dashboard Settings. Learn more →


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If you have enabled any other languages from your Dashboard settings, you can localize the content of campaign emails for each available locale. To activate localization for a campaign-level email, select the Change option for at least one property from the settings view of an email, and then save changes. A Localization menu item will then be displayed in the sidebar of the email settings page.

Selecting the Localization menu item provides access to localization tools for the contents of each email template. The layout of the Localization view displays the labels for your emails using your account’s default language in one column, and the properties for inputting translations in a second column. A language selector in the header of the layout enables you to toggle the languages you have activated for Localization. By default, Fundraise Up includes boilerplate translations for each enabled language. We strongly recommend customizing these labels to meet your organization’s needs. Learn more →


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