
Configure settings related to Campaigns

From the Campaigns tab of your Fundraise Up Dashboard settings, you can configure account-level options for your campaigns.

Archived campaign behavior

Link copied

In the Campaigns view of the Dashboard, found at the top of the display, you can disable individual campaigns. This is useful when your campaigns are used for fundraising activities that are not active year-round.

By default, when a campaign is disabled, links to its Checkout modal and/or Campaign Page will not function. By configuring the Archived campaign behavior setting, you can choose between three actions.

  • Do not launch the disabled campaign’s checkout: When the Checkout modal/Campaign Page URL is accessed directly or from an Element, it will will not launch. This is the default behavior for disabled campaigns.
  • Launch the checkout for a different campaign: When the Checkout modal/Campaign Page URL is accessed directly or from an Element, the Checkout modal/Campaign Page of the campaign selected from the dropdown menu will display in place of the disabled campaign’s modal or Page.
  • Redirect the donor to a specific URL: When the Checkout modal/Campaign Page URL is accessed directly or from an Element, the visitor will be redirected to the URL specified in the text field.