
Learn how to create and manage Campaigns in Fundraise Up

In Fundraise Up, campaigns are used to create and manage Checkout modals and Campaign Pages. Your organization can create as many campaigns as are needed to capture donations for funds, appeals, channels, or virtually any use case.

Every donation, recurring plan, Element and Fundraiser is linked to a campaign. Campaigns are also an available object in exports as well of many of Fundraise Up’s integrations, allowing you to map campaign properties and values to objects and properties in other apps.

Campaign view

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The Dashboard view for campaigns provides tools for creating and managing your campaigns.

Search and filters

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The Campaigns view includes search and filtering tools. You can search for a specific campaign by inputting its ID or its name.

A Payment methods filter enables you to view campaigns based on the payment options that have been enabled in their payment method settings.

If subaccounts are enabled for your account, an additional Account filter is displayed, allowing you to view campaigns based on the account that created them. When subaccounts are enabled, an Account column is also displayed in the table view.

Table view

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The table view displays only active campaigns. By default, the list is ordered by the date of the campaign’s creation. You can also sort the table by campaign name, amount raised, and time of last donation.

If a campaign has one or more donations that have not yet been marked as success, an approximately equals to symbol (≈) is displayed next to the raised amount.

Each row in the table view also includes a vertical three-dot menu. When selected, this menu displays options to rename, disable, or clone that campaign. The process of cloning and disabling campaigns is described in more detail later in this article.

Creating campaigns

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You can create your first campaign by selecting the New campaign button in the Campaigns view of the Fundraise Up Dashboard. Then, you have the option to either create a brand new campaign or clone an existing campaign. To create a clone, your account needs to have at least one existing campaign that can be cloned.

After creating your Campaign, you can enable the Checkout modal, configure the Campaign Page, set up emails, manage Fundraisers, and adjust other key settings. When you create a campaign from scratch, certain configuration steps are automatically completed for you. This way, you can start accepting donations using your new campaign without having to manually configure every individual setting.

When creating a Campaign, you must manually activate either the Checkout modal, the Campaign Page, or both, based on your requirements. By default, both options are initially disabled. The quickest method to activate the Checkout modal or Campaign Page is by clicking on the respective tab on your campaign’s general settings.

Some example campaigns that you might create are:

  • “General Donations:” A campaign to accept unrestricted donations through your website
  • “GivingTuesday:” A campaign to accept donations specifically during GivingTuesday
  • “Social Media Landing:” A campaign with only the Campaign Page enabled that will serve as a landing page for supporters who click through from your social media campaigns.
  • “Year-End Campaign: Mid-Level Supporters:” A campaign to accept donations from a targeted segment of your supporter base. You could create variations of this type of campaign for each segment that you target.

We recommend getting started by creating a “General Donations” campaign. Later, you can clone this campaign and modify it for other use cases.

Cloning campaigns

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In most cases, you will end up with highly customized individual campaigns for your organization. Instead of creating new campaigns from scratch and reapplying all your customizations, you can use the cloning tool to duplicate the Checkout modal, Campaign Page, emails, Fundraisers features, and all other settings from any existing campaign.

To clone a campaign, go to the Campaign view, click New campaign and select Clone an existing campaign. The same cloning tool is also accessible from the three-dot vertical menu displayed on every row of the table in that same Campaign view.

Disabling campaigns

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When you no longer want to use a campaign, you can disable it from its three-dot vertical menu in the Campaigns view table.

Clicking the Disable option for a campaign displays a disclaimer that requires you to confirm that you understand the effects of disabling that campaign. The effects are as follows when one of your campaigns is disabled:

Checkout modal Supporters will no longer be able to make donations through your Checkout modal. The Checkout modal overlay will not load on your site.
Campaign Pages Supporters will no longer be able to make donations through your Campaign Page. Links to the Page will not load and will display an error message.
Recurring plans Any recurring plans connected to the campaign will continue to process installments as before. Disabling a campaign does not affect the recurring plans associated with that campaign.
Elements Elements components connected to to the Campaign will continue to display, but will default to the settings defined by the archived campaign behavior configured in the Dashboard Settings.
Emails Emails for recurring donations or actions that supporters need to take will continue to send.
Fundraisers When a supporter clicks through to this campaign from a Fundraiser, your archived campaign behavior as configured in the Dashboard Settings will apply.
Dashboard The campaign will still be reported on within the Insights view and will continue to appear in reports and view filters.


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