A complete guide to setting up, configuring, and managing peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns for your organization.
Supporter-driven fundraising allows your organization to expand reach by helping supporters raise money through their personal networks. With Fundraisers in Fundraise Up, supporters create fundraising pages with personalized content to share their stories and collect donations from friends and family.
This article explains how to set up and manage peer-to-peer fundraising in your Fundraise Up account.
How supporters create Fundraisers
Supporters can create Fundraisers through the Fundraisers Button or Fundraisers Link elements that you add to your website. Each Fundraiser connects to a specific campaign of your choice.
When creating a Fundraiser, supporters:
- Set a personal fundraising goal.
- Add their message and reason for fundraising.
- Upload a photo that resonates with your community.
- Share their Fundraiser page with friends and family.
A person who has started a Fundraiser becomes a Fundraiser's Admin.
Fundraisers Elements
Fundraise Up offers three Elements for implementing Fundraisers on your website:
- Fundraisers Button — Allows supporters to create their own Fundraisers.
- Fundraisers Link — Functions like the button but displays as a text link.
Example of a Fundraisers Link
- Top Fundraisers — Displays your most successful fundraisers. Supporters can click on a fundraiser's name to make a donation to that specific campaign.
Fundraisers Button (on the left) and Top Fundraisers (on the right)
If both the Campaign Page and Checkout Modal are enabled for a campaign, a Fundraiser Element linked to that campaign will open the Checkout Modal. To have an Element open the Campaign Page instead, make sure only the Campaign Page format is enabled for the campaign (do not enable the Checkout Modal).
How to add Fundraisers elements to your site
To give supporters the ability to create Fundraisers, first create a button or link in your Dashboard:
- Go to Elements.
Elements tab in Dashboard
- Click New element.
- Select either Fundraisers Button (in the Buttons tab) or Fundraisers Link (in the Links tab).
- Set Actions — define which options supporters see on the fundraiser creation screen: start a new fundraiser, join an existing team, or both.
- Configure the element's behavior, including which campaign it connects to, display text, default goal, and other settings.
- For Fundraisers Button, set design options in the Appearance tab. Edit button text, size, color, and other visual aspects.
- Click Create an element.
- Copy the HTML code provided and paste it to your site (for button) or distribute through your channels (for link).
How supporters set up fundraisers
When supporters click a Fundraisers Link or Fundraisers Button, they can choose to join an existing team or create a new Fundraiser (based on your element settings).
Starting screen for creating a Fundraiser. In this case, the organization allowed both the option to start a new Fundraiser and the option to join an existing team
To create a new Fundraiser, supporters:
- Choose a Fundraiser's display name.
- Upload an optional photo. Minimum size is 128×128 px.
- Set goal amount and date.
- Write a message. Default text is available and can be customized at Campaigns > [Your campaign] > Fundraisers > General.
The first screen supporters see when creating a Fundraiser. In this screenshot, the Display name and Fundraiser photo have been edited by the supporter, while the Your message field was pre-populated by the organization
- Enter their email for verification.
- Verify their email with a code.
- Add their name (stored in the system but not visible to other supporters).
After completing these steps, the Fundraiser activates. The Fundraiser's Admin receives:
- A link to share their Fundraiser.
- A confirmation email with an Open my fundraiser button and sharing options.
The Open my fundraiser button provides direct access to the personal Donor Portal, where the supporter can manage their fundraising activities.
Fundraisers in Donor Portal
The Donor Portal's Fundraisers section shows Fundraiser's Admin their active and paused Fundraisers with current progress and remaining days until their goal date. By clicking on a Fundraiser, Fundraiser's Admin can view its details, performance, and make edits.
Fundraisers page in Donor Portal
Fundraiser customization
The Donor Portal lets Fundraiser's Admin adapt their fundraisers as campaigns evolve. Through the Edit fundraiser option, they can control how their fundraiser is presented to potential peers. They can update:
- Their display name and Fundraiser photo that is shown in the Checkout Modal and Campaign Pages.
- The fundraising goal amount when they exceed initial targets.
- A personal message (up to 120 characters) explaining their connection to the cause.
- The target end date if they need more time to reach their goal.
Performance tracking
The Fundraiser details page displays three core metrics to help Fundraiser's Admin understand their impact:
- Total amount raised.
- Checkout Modal and Campaign Page view counts.
- Total number of donations received.
An interactive map shows the geographical distribution of donations, while a progress bar tracks advancement toward the goal.
Donations monitoring
Fundraiser's Admin can track donations through the donations table, which shows each contributor's name, amount, date, location, and comments. The table can be sorted by recent donations (default view) or by amount.
Team performance
The Team performance section appears on every Fundraiser's page in the Donor Portal, even for Fundraisers with a single participant. This section shows all participating supporters with their detailed performance metrics, including each member's name, their role, total amount raised, and number of donations received.
Fundraiser team performance page in Donor Portal
To add team members, Fundraiser's Admin can share an invitation link found in the Team performance section. When invited supporters click this link, they're guided through onboarding screen for creating their own fundraiser profile that connects to the team's collective goal. This creates a network of connected fundraisers working toward the same target.
Team members can also be added through Elements, providing another way to expand the team.
The onboarding appears on the website specified in the Supporter destination URL, configured under Campaigns > [Your campaign] > Fundraisers.
How organizations create Fundraisers
You can also create Fundraisers directly through the Dashboard on behalf of your supporters. This option helps when supporters need assistance or when you need to create Fundraisers for board members, corporate sponsors, and other groups.
To create a Fundraiser in the Dashboard, go to Fundraisers and click New Fundraiser.
Configure Fundraisers at the Campaign level
Each campaign has a Fundraisers tab where you can edit default fundraisers settings. Find them at Campaigns > [Your campaign] > Fundraisers > General.
Supporter destination URL
This setting determines where the Fundraisers onboarding screen appears when launched from a Fundraisers Button or Fundraisers Link element. The system uses the URL from your account settings by default.
Default personal message
Supporters include a description explaining why they are fundraising. You can add a default message (up to 120 characters) that supporters can use or modify.
Fundraiser goals
Go to the Goal tab in the left-side menu to set campaign-level fundraiser goals. These goals appear in the Donor Portal.
Default goal date
Set a default timeframe for Fundraiser goals:
- 2 weeks.
- 1 month.
- 3 months.
- Custom date.
The Fundraisers onboarding screen will display the selected timeframe.
Set specific default end dates for fundraising campaigns with Custom date. For example, set December 25 as the default end date for holiday-themed Fundraisers. If this date has passed when creating a new Fundraiser, the system sets a two-week goal period.
Goal reached settings
When a Fundraiser reaches its goal, an image, title, and text appears in the Fundraiser's Admin Donor Portal. Organizations can customize the image and text for each campaign.
The text area supports basic formatting, including bold, italics, and links.
The Donor Portal image shown when a goal is reached
Minimum image size | 1860×580 px |
Permitted file types | JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only) |
Preview your Donor Portal customization using the Preview button.
Configure emails associated with Fundraisers
Fundraiser-related emails are sent automatically by the system. These include:
- Fundraiser started — Sent when a new Fundraiser is created. Includes buttons for sharing the Fundraiser and managing it in the Donor Portal.
- Donation received — Sent whenever a donation is made to a Fundraiser. Includes buttons for sharing the Fundraiser and managing it in the Donor Portal.
- Goal reached — Sent when a Fundraiser meets its goal. Includes buttons for sharing the Fundraiser and managing it in the Donor Portal.
- Member welcome — Sent when a supporter joins an existing Fundraiser as a team member. Includes sharing and review in Donor Portal options.
- Member notification — Sent to all existing Fundraiser members when a new team member joins. Includes details about the new member, sharing, and review in Donor Portal options.
Customize these emails in Settings > Emails > Fundraisers. You can disable any or all Fundraiser-related emails.
You can use personalization tags to customize messages. Open the tag dropdown menu and select Campaign Name, Fundraiser First Name, Fundraiser Last Name, Fundraiser Email, or Fundraiser Name.
For example, writing Dear [[Fundraiser First Name]]! will display Dear Alex! for a Fundraiser's Admin named Alex.
Click Show preview to check how the email will appear before sending.
Encourage competition during supporter-driven fundraising
Encourage participation and friendly competition among supporters by displaying leaderboards and social proof-style rankings. You have two options:
- Top Fundraisers Element — Displays the most successful fundraisers. Supporters can click on a fundraiser's name to donate to their campaign.
- Create it in your Dashboard: Elements > New Element > Top Fundraisers (under the Lists tab).
- Show other supporters' impact — Displays recent donations to a specific Fundraiser on the Campaign Page.
- Activate and configure in Campaigns > [Your campaign] > Campaign Page > Supporter Impact.
- Recent donations will only appear after at least three non-anonymous donations have been made to the Fundraiser.
Manage active Fundraisers
Monitor Fundraiser progress, send encouragement, and help supporters reach their goals by checking the Fundraisers tab regularly. You can view individual Fundraiser performance and overall campaign progress.
To manage Fundraisers:
- Go to Dashboard > Fundraisers.
- Click on a specific Fundraiser to view details.
- Use the Edit button to update goals or content.
Edit button in the Fundraiser section of the Dashboard
You can pause a Fundraiser with the option to reactivate it later. However, Fundraisers cannot be deleted, as they may be linked to transactions or contain important historical data.
When a Fundraiser is paused, visitors will be automatically redirected to its general campaign donation page.
A Fundraiser's admin cannot restart a Fundraiser if the organization has paused it in the Dashboard.
Best practices
To maximize the effectiveness of your Fundraisers:
- Set reasonable default goals that motivate supporters.
- Provide templates and examples that help supporters tell compelling stories.
- Recognize top Fundraisers through your communication channels.
- Send encouragement emails to fundraisers who are close to their goals.