Get to know P2P Fundraisers, a feature that makes it easy for supporters to fundraise for your organization

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The P2P view in the Fundraise Up Dashboard displays a list of fundraisers that have been created by supporters or users. You can use the view to create or manage fundraisers.

Search and filters

The P2P view includes search and filtering tools. You can use the search for a specific fundraiser by its name.

There are five typical filters in the P2P view, which are described below:

  • Supporter: filter by supporter.
  • Campaign: filter by the campaign that the fundraiser is associated with.
  • Element: filter by the Element that was used to create the P2P fundraiser.
  • Source: filter by the source through which the P2P fundraiser was created. The sources are Website and Dashboard. You can use this filter to see which fundraisers were created organically by supporters (through Website) and directly by your organization’s team members (through the Dashboard).
  • Status: filter by the status of a fundraiser. They can either be classed as Active or Paused.

If subaccounts are enabled for your account, an additional Account filter is displayed. This filter is used to display fundraisers created by all or some of your organization’s accounts.

Table view

The table view displays a list of all existing P2P fundraisers and includes details and statistics about each fundraiser. The properties displayed in the table are described below.

  • Campaign: the campaign associated with the P2P fundraiser.
  • Fundraiser: the name of the fundraiser, taken from the Display name value configured by the supporter that created the fundraiser.
  • Goal: the P2P fundraiser’s goal amount, as set by the supporter who created the fundraiser.
  • Raised: the amount raised so far for the P2P Fundraiser.
  • Created: the date that the P2P fundraiser was created by a supporter.
  • Goal date: the goal date for the P2P fundraiser, as set by the supporter who created the fundraiser.
  • Statistics: the conversion data for a P2P Fundraiser, displayed as unique views and number of donations.

If subaccounts are enabled for your account, an additional Account column is displayed. This filter is used to display fundraisers created by all or some of your organization’s accounts.

Creating a fundraiser

In most cases, a supporter creates a P2P fundraiser using the P2P Button or P2P Link components from the Elements library. These components are typically integrated into your organization’s website.

However, it is also possible to create a P2P fundraiser from within the Fundraise Up Dashboard. This approach is useful when a supporter needs help creating a fundraiser, or if you are creating fundraisers on behalf of board members, corporate sponsors, or other groups.

To create a P2P fundraiser, navigate to the P2P view in the Dashboard and select New P2P fundraiser.

Currently, it's not possible to create a P2P fundraiser for campaigns that have crypto enabled as payment method.

Campaign configuration

Some settings for configuring P2P-oriented campaigns are managed at the campaign level. Review these settings as part of your P2P deployment.


The Elements library includes several P2P-specific components. Add these components to your organization’s website to engage supporters with P2P fundraising.

  • P2P Button: used to launch the P2P onboarding screen
  • P2P Link: used to launch the P2P onboarding screen
  • Top Fundraisers: used to display top-performing P2P fundraisers


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