Configure your Virtual Terminal

Learn how to enable and set up Virtual Terminal for your organization.

Before your team can start processing donations through Virtual Terminal, you need to configure several settings. This article walks you through the essential setup steps, from enabling the feature to customizing it for your organization's needs.

While Virtual Terminal works well with default settings, you can adjust various options to match your workflow and security requirements.

Initial setup

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Start by enabling Virtual Terminal and setting up user access. These basic configurations are required before you can begin processing donations.

Enable Virtual Terminal

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Virtual Terminal is not enabled by default. To start using it:

  1. Go to Settings > Virtual Terminal.
  2. Click Enable Virtual Terminal.

Once enabled, you can access Virtual Terminal in these ways:

  • On desktop: Press T on your keyboard from anywhere in the Dashboard.
  • On mobile: Go to Donations or Recurring tab, click the three-dot menu, and select Virtual Terminal.
You can disable Virtual Terminal at any time from the Virtual Terminal settings page. Consider turning it off after large events like telethons or when you don’t need to process in-person donations. This helps maintain your organization’s security by reducing active payment entry points.

Manage user access

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All user roles in Fundraise Up can access Virtual Terminal, except for View only users. For temporary staff or volunteers, there’s a dedicated role called Virtual Terminal Specialist, which has restricted access to everything except the Virtual Terminal.

Virtual Terminal as seen by the Virtual Terminal Specialist

To add a Virtual Terminal Specialist:

  1. Go to Settings > Team.
  2. Click Invite user.
  3. Enter their details:
    • Email address
    • First name
    • Last name
  4. Select Virtual Terminal Specialist from the roles list.

    Invite user window

  5. Click Send invite.

The team member will receive an email invitation. Once they click Accept invite, they’ll be directed straight to Virtual Terminal, where they can start processing donations.

Each user can have up to 3 active Dashboard sessions at the same time, so you can spread your team across multiple devices during events. This means organizations should create 1 Virtual Terminal Specialist account per 3 team members to ensure optimal system performance (for example, 33 user accounts will efficiently support 99 staff members at your event).

You can create up to 50 user accounts. Reach out to if you need more than 50 user accounts.

Practice in test mode

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Every Virtual Terminal Specialist can enable test mode to practice processing donations. To use it:

  1. Click your account name in the top-right corner of Virtual Terminal.
  2. Enable Test data.

Use test mode to verify your settings and train new team members without processing real donations.

In test mode, Virtual Terminal supports only credit card payments.

Virtual Terminal workspace

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Configure which campaigns appear in Virtual Terminal and add processing instructions for your team. These settings help prevent errors and ensure consistent donation processing.

Select visible campaigns

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Control which campaigns your team sees in Virtual Terminal:

  1. Go to Settings > Virtual Terminal.
  2. Choose your preferred option:
    • Show all campaigns with a preselected default.
    • Show only selected campaigns. This option helps prevent mistakes during high-volume events by showing operators only relevant campaigns.

For large events like telethons, we recommend creating a dedicated campaign. This approach:

  • Makes reporting easier.
  • Reduces processing errors.
  • Helps track event performance.
  • Simplifies operator training.

Create processing instructions

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Help your team process donations efficiently by providing guidance notes directly in Virtual Terminal. When enabled, these notes appear on the processing screen where your team can easily reference them.

To add processing instructions:

  1. Go to Settings > Virtual Terminal.
  2. Enable Show additional notes.
  3. Enter your instructions in the text field.

Additional notes in Virtual Terminal

Consider including:

Your team will see these notes while processing donations. Update the instructions before major events to include specific guidance for that fundraising campaign.

Payment configuration

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The Virtual Terminal supports multiple payment methods:

  • Card payments (with optional CVC/CVV verification)
  • ACH Direct Debit (US)
  • Bacs Direct Debit (UK)
  • SEPA Direct Debit (EU)
  • BECS (Australia)
  • Canadian PAD
  • Saved payment methods

Configure saved payment methods

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When supporters make a donation, their payment details are tokenized and securely stored in Stripe. These saved payment methods can then be reused in the Virtual Terminal, eliminating the need for supporters to re-enter their information.

Supported saved payment methods:

  • Cards.
  • PayPal.
  • Apple Pay.
  • Google Pay.
  • Bank debits.

To enable the use of saved payment methods:

  1. Go to Settings > Virtual Terminal.
  2. Check the Allow users to process new donations using saved information checkbox. This option enables all users with access to the Virtual Terminal, except for Virtual Terminal Specialists, to use saved payment methods.
  3. If needed, check the Enable this option for Virtual Terminal Specialists checkbox to allow operators to use saved payment methods.

Payment methods section in Virtual Terminal settings

Before using a saved payment method, a confirmation prompt will appear, reminding you to verify the details with the supporter. This helps ensure the correct payment method is charged and minimizes the risk of refunds.

Set up CVC/CVV and ACH verification rules

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You can configure the Virtual Terminal to process card-based donations without requiring a CVC/CVV code. The Virtual Terminal uses Stripe’s MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) processing, which bypasses additional security checks such as 3D Secure (3DS).

To make the CVC/CVV code optional:

  1. Go to Settings > Virtual Terminal.
  2. Check the Make CVC optional for credit card donations checkbox.

ACH Direct Debit verification

You can also enable ACH Direct Debit as a payment method in the Virtual Terminal and choose a verification process:

  1. Go to Settings > Virtual Terminal.
  2. Check the Allow direct debits to be set up in the Virtual Terminal checkbox.
  3. Choose one of the following verification options:
    • Manual verification: Operators enter account and routing numbers. Supporters verify their first payment by confirming micro-deposits or an activation code from Stripe.
    • Automatic verification: Operators enter account and routing numbers. Accounts matching existing records are verified automatically.
Automatic verification method is trust-based and may involve additional risks.

Supporter data settings

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Control how Virtual Terminal collects and handles supporter information. These settings affect email communications, language preferences, and additional data collection.

Set email requirements

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Decide if email addresses are mandatory:

  1. Go to Settings > Virtual Terminal.
  2. Enable or disable Make supporter’s email required.

    Email settings in Virtual Terminal

Without email addresses, supporters won’t receive automatic donation receipts. Consider your receipt delivery requirements when configuring this setting. Note that some payment methods require email addresses.

When multiple supporters share the same email address, their records will merge into a single Supporter record under the name of the first person who donated. Since this merged data cannot be separated later, we strongly recommend using unique email addresses for each supporter when processing donations.

Review language preferences

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Set up language options in Virtual Terminal to ensure proper communication with your supporters.

How language selection works

When you enable multiple languages in a campaign, Virtual Terminal shows a Language dropdown menu. During donation processing, you can set language preferences individually for each supporter:

  • Each supporter receives emails in their language.
  • Their Donor Portal displays in their language.
  • Supporters can update their language preference anytime in the Donor Portal.

For example, in a single campaign, you can accommodate both English-speaking and French-speaking supporters by selecting their preferred language during donation processing.

Review custom fields settings

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Custom fields let you collect additional information during donation processing. You might use them to track donation sources with UTM parameters, gather event-specific data, or record extra supporter details. If you’ve added custom fields to your campaign settings, they’ll appear in Virtual Terminal for operators to fill in during donation processing.

Before events, check your campaign’s custom fields to ensure they match your tracking needs and brief your team on what information to collect.

Next steps

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After completing your configuration:

  1. Make a test donation to verify your settings.
  2. Train your team on using Virtual Terminal.
  3. Review our practical guide on running successful events with Virtual Terminal for tips on team training, event preparation, and handling high-volume donation processing.


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