
How to engage supporters with tribute giving

Tribute giving enables supporters to dedicate their donations in honor or in memory of a person, event, place, or something else.

Account-wide tributes settings

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Within the Dashboard, you can customize the functionality of the tribute giving feature and how it is representing in Donor Portal.

Character limit

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This setting enable you to set the message character limit for a dedication message sent using a postal service. This can be helpful if you print the message using a print format with limited space for text.

The tributee’s name is always limited to 50 characters. Supporters won’t be able to enter a name longer than this in the input field.

Postal tribute preview

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When a supporter completes a donation dedicated, they are redirected to Donor Portal to compose and customize their dedication message. When you enable the option for supporters to send the dedication message using a print format, you can specify the preview graphic used by selecting either the Postcard or Letter with envelope option. This helps a supporter understand how their dedication message will appear to its recipient.

Image collections

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Image collections enable you to offer supporters a customized library of images to use with dedication messages sent using email.

Image collections can only be used when dedication messages are sent using email. They are not available when dedication messages are sent using a postal method.

By default, the Image Collections feature includes several pre-made categories with images already included. You can modify these collections as needed or create your own.

Customizing image collection categories

Each Image collection category can include up to four images. The specifications for these images are below:

  • Minimum resolution: 772×526 px
  • Allowed file types: JPG, PNG, GIF (static image only)

The display order for images can by set by dragging and dropping the image thumbnails into the preferred order.

Each image can be downloaded, replaced, or removed using the tools displayed when hovering over an image thumbnail.

Categories can be renamed by selecting the name of the category.

The display order of categories can be set by dragging categories into the preferred order using the six-dotted grab handle shown for each category. This display order defines how categories are displayed in the dropdown menu for image collections in Donor Portal when a supporter is composing their dedication message.

Three-dot menu

The three-dot menu displayed for each image collections category contains settings for configuring the conditions for displaying the category:

  • Hide from donors: The category will not be shown in the image collections dropdown menu in Donor Portal.
  • All tribute types: The category will be shown in the image collections dropdown menu in Donor Portal for both In honor and In memory dedication types.
  • In honor only: The category will only be shown in the image collections dropdown menu in Donor Portal when the dedication type is In honor.
  • In memory only: The category will only be shown in the image collections dropdown menu in Donor Portal when the dedication type is In memory.

The three-dot menu also includes an option for duplicating a category or deleting it.

Campaign-level tributes settings

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To enable Tribute giving for a campaign, open the Settings tab, find the Tribute section and check the Enable tribute checkbox.

Tribute Checkout behavior

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When you enable tribute giving in a campaign, a Dedicate this donation checkbox is displayed on the first screen of the Checkout process, both in a Checkout modal and on a Campaign Page. When the checkbox is selected, an input is displayed that enables a supporter to input the name of a person, place, or thing that they want to dedicate the donation to. On subsequent Checkout screens, a badge will be displayed with the dedication information.

When the donation is completed, Checkout will display an option to send a dedication card. A second option enables the supporter to initiate another dedicated donation. When the option to send a card is selected, the supporter is redirected to Donor Portal to complete the donation dedication.

Annual Tribute Upsell

When a supporter gives a one-time tribute donation and provides the tributee’s name, they will automatically be given the option to transform their one-time donation into a recurring annual donation. This option will not appear if annual recurring donations are disabled in the Dashboard Settings, nor will it appear if recurring donations are disabled entirely for that campaign.

Campaign settings

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The campaign settings for Tribute giving let you control how the feature is displayed in the Checkout modal or Campaign Page, and the options for dedication messages. These settings are described below.

  • Highlight the tribute name field: when this option is selected, the input field for including the dedication name is highlighted, both in the Checkout Modal and the Campaign Page. We recommend enabling this option if your campaign is tribute-centered (for example, if you’re constructing an “in memoriam” campaign).
  • Allow donors to send tributes by postal mail: selecting this option allows a supporter to choose postal mail as the method for sending their dedication message. Note that your organization will be responsible for implementing this if you enable this option for your supporters. Fundraise Up does not mail dedications.
  • Allow donors to send tributes by email: selecting this option enables a supporter to choose email as the method for sending their dedication message.
  • Allow donors to show the amount in tribute notification: by default, the donation amount for a dedicated donation is not shown in the dedication message. Enabling this option allows a supporter to display the donation amount if they wish.
  • Allow donors to select an email card image: selecting this option activates the use of image collections. When used in conjunction with the Allow donors to send tributes by email setting, you enable supporters to include an image with their dedication message. The image is sourced from image collection categories that you can create and manage in the Tributes section of your Dashboard Settings.

When the Allow donors to select an email card image option is enabled, a list of available image collection categories is displayed. You can then toggle the image collection categories that you want to show to supporters. While these selections are campaign-specific, you also set account-level preferences for image collections. Learn more →

Some image collection categories have display limitations that are applied at the account level. These limitations are displayed on the category that they apply to. You can modify these settings from the Tributes page in Dashboard Settings.

Donor Portal dedication flow

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To reduce dedication steps in Checkout that could negatively impact conversion, a majority of dedication-related steps are completed in the Donor Portal after the donation is processed. The following dedication options are set by a supporter using the Donor Portal dedication flow:

  • Dedication type: supporters can choose from two options — in honor or in memory.
  • In memory of: this is the dedication name entered during Checkout. It can be modified in the Donor Portal.
  • What to send: These are the methods a supporter can select for sending their dedication message. Supporters can choose between Email and Postal mail.
    If a supporter chooses to send a physical letter or postcard by mail, your organization will get access to the necessary information to send the message on behalf of the supporter. Fundraise Up does not mail letters or postcards.
  • Image: if image collections are enabled in the Checkout settings of the Campaign, a supporter can select an image to include with their dedication message. If multiple image collection categories are enabled, a dropdown is displayed that includes available categories. Because some categories have display limitations based on the dedication type, it is possible that not all categories will be shown in the dropdown.
  • From: this text input enables a supporter to include a sender name for the donation dedication. By default, this property contained the first and last name of the supporter, but it can be modified to any value by the supporter. In some cases, a supporter may use this input to include the names of multiple people, a group, or an organization. For example: “Piper and Alex”, “the girls of Delta Nu” or “Initech.”
  • Hide the amount of my gift: when the Allow donors to show the amount in tribute notification option is enabled for Tributes in Checkout, a supporter can opt to show or hide the donation amount in the dedication message.
  • Recipient first name: this text input lets the supporter set the first name of the person receiving the dedication message. In some cases, a supporter may use the input to include multiple names. For example, “David and Patrick.”
  • Recipient last name: this text input lets the supporter set the last name of the person receiving the dedication message.
  • Recipient email (email delivery method): this input is displayed when a supporter selects email as the delivery method for their dedication message. The email address added to the input will receive the dedication message.
  • Recipient address (postal delivery method): these address inputs are displayed when a supporter selects postal mail as the delivery method for their dedication message. This is the mailing address you should send the dedication message to.

Adding tributes to past donations

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In the Donor Portal, it is possible for a supporter to add tributes to past donations they have made. For this functionality to be available for a past donation, the donation needs to be associated with a campaign that has the Tributes feature enabled at the campaign level.

Tribute emails

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The tribute giving feature sends two emails: the dedication message email (Tribute e-card) and the tribute reminder email. Both emails can be customized at the account level in Dashboard Settings, or for each campaign.

  • Tribute e-card: the tribute e-card email includes the dedication message and is sent to the recipient added by the supporter using the Donor Portal dedication flow.
  • Tribute reminder: this email is sent to a supporter immediately after they complete a donation that included a dedication. It includes a link to Donor Portal where the supporter can complete the dedication.

Using Tributes throughout the platform

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Virtual Terminal

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In the Virtual Terminal, it is possible to process a dedicated donation when the Tributes feature is enabled for a selected campaign. Both email and postal mail options are available for sending a dedication message, but if the email method is selected, it is not possible to include an image from your image collections. Learn more →


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Properties for dedicated donations are available fields in Exports templates. You can include nearly 20 dedication-specific properties to build Tribute giving reports. There is also a Shared tributes report type that makes it easy to create templates to track dedication messages that you need to mail. Learn more →


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Many of Fundraise Up’s built-in integrations support syncing properties from the Tribute object to properties in connected apps. Learn more →


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