
As a Fundraise Up user, there are a range of email notifications available to keep you up to date on your account's performance. Choose only the ones you want to receive.

Notifications can be sent to you from Fundraise Up. You can choose which notifications you receive by going into your user account's notification settings.

Each user can customize their own notifications separately, so that people can stay up to date on issues most relevant to their responsibilities.

Available notifications

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You can choose which of the following notifications you want to receive.

Donation notifications

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Notification Description
Successful donation Receive an email every time a donation to your organization processes successfully.
Refunded donation Receive an email every time a donation is successfully refunded back to a supporter.
Failed donation Receive an email every time a donation fails to process. The supporter will also be notified that their donation has failed.
Early fraud warning Receive an email every time Stripe warns you about a potentially fraudulent donation. It’s important to act quickly on these warnings and contact the supporter.
Disputed donation Receive an email every time a donation is disputed by a supporter. When this happens, Stripe will notify you of the action your organization needs to take to resolve the situation.

Recurring plan notifications

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Notification Description
Cancelled plan Receive an email every time the donor or a Dashboard user cancels a recurring plan. The supporter will also receive an email confirming that their recurring plan has been canceled.
Failed plan Receive an email every time a recurring plan is marked as failed by the system, meaning no future donations will be attempted. You can choose when a recurring plan should be failed in the Recurring plan section of your Dashboard settings.
Changed amount of plan Receive an email every time a supporter changes the amount they donate regularly.
Changed date/frequency of plan Receive an email every time a supporter changes the date their installments process, or the frequency at which they process.
Changed payment method of plan Receive an email every time a supporter changes the payment method used for their recurring plan.
Changed plan limits Receive an email every time a supporter changes the limit for their recurring plan: the end date, the planned total donation amount and/or the plan cut-off date.

Summary reports

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Notification Description
Daily report Receive an email every morning with a summary of the previous day’s donations.
Weekly report Receive an email at the beginning of the week with a summary of the previous week’s donations.
Monthly report Receive an email at the beginning of the month with a summary of the previous month’s donations.
Integration synchronization report Receive a weekly report of the past week’s syncs with your integrated services, including an overview of any failed syncs.

P2P fundraiser notifications

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Notification Description
New P2P fundraiser Receive an email every time a new P2P fundraiser is created, either from the Dashboard or by a supporter.
Updated P2P fundraiser Receive an email every time a P2P fundraiser is updated, either from the Dashboard or by the supporter.
P2P fundraiser goal reached Receive an email every time a P2P fundraiser reaches the goal set by its Admin.


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