Test mode

Enable test mode to experiment with Checkout configurations and payment methods.

Test mode is a function within Fundraise Up that allows you to operate features like the Checkout modal, Campaign Page, Dashboard, and Virtual Terminal outside of a live environment. It is useful for experimenting with Checkout modal and Campaign Page configurations, payment methods, and for analyzing how data from Fundraise Up syncs to your integrated platforms.

To use test mode on your website, you must first add the Fundraise Up installation code to your website’s code.

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Test vs. preview

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Please note that test mode is different from a Preview. A Preview is simply a way of viewing the settings in place for a certain campaign, and is not interactive. Test mode, on the other hand, is interactive, and allows you to make test donations.

Enabling test mode for campaigns

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There are two ways to activate test mode for your campaigns. Both methods provide the same functionality. Select an implementation that works best for your needs.

Embedded script

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This method activates test mode using a simple script that you embed within the code of your website. It's best used for pre-production environments such as test sites where you want test mode to be enabled by default.

Embed this script in the code of your website:

2window.fundraiseup_livemode = false;

Query string

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This method allows you to enable test mode by appending a test mode property to your website’s URL. Add the following query string to a URL of a website where the Fundraise Up installation code has been added:


Here is an example URL with the query string attached:


Test mode toolbar

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When test mode is enabled for a website where the Fundraise Up installation code is present, the test mode toolbar will be displayed at the bottom of the viewport. The toolbar includes localization tools that allow for testing the display of Checkout modals, Campaign Pages and Elements based on applied locale and language settings.

Enabling test mode for the Fundraise Up Dashboard

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Enabling test mode for the Dashboard allows you to view donations made using test mode. This is useful for viewing the contents of donation records, experimenting with email customizations, and assessing the mapping rules applied for connected integrations.

Testing Checkout in the Dashboard

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Test mode is always enabled for your Checkout modal or Campaign Page from within the Dashboard. This is useful for experimenting with your Campaign’s settings before the Fundraise Up installation code has been added to your organization’s website.

To view your Campaign in test mode from the Dashboard, go to Campaigns > [Campaign name] and and select Make a test donation either in the Checkout modal content card or in the Campaign Page content card, depending on which format(s) you have enabled and want to test.

Viewing test donation data in the Dashboard

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To view your test data in the Dashboard, click on your organization’s name in the top-right hand corner and toggle on Test data. You will then see all the data from test donations made to your organization. To turn off test data and return to seeing real data, toggle Test data off.

Syncing test donations to connected integrations

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Many integrations in Fundraise Up allow for syncing test donations to connected apps. This is useful for evaluating how records created by Fundraise Up are represented in your other platforms.

To enable the synchronization of test donations for your connected integrations, view the settings for each integration and select the Sync test data option.

Payment method test credentials

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To test payment methods in your campaigns, you can use the test information provided by Stripe. For your convenience, we have included test information for a simulated Visa card below.

Brand Visa
Number 4242 4242 4242 4242
CVC Any 3 digits
Expiration Date Any future date

Email notifications in test mode

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In test mode, you will receive the same emails as in live mode, with a few exceptions. Fundraise Up will not send the following email notifications for recurring donations made in test mode:

  • Installment receipt
  • Installment failed
  • Recurring failed
  • Plan fulfilled
  • Mastercard reminder
  • ACH verification reminder
  • Expiring card reminder
Related article
Platform basics • Installation


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