Apple Pay domain verification for HubSpot websites

To activate Apple Pay as a payment method, you need to verify the domain where it will be used. If your website is built using HubSpot, use the instructions in this guide to complete the verification process.


  • Administrative access to your HubSpot account
  • Access to the Fundraise Up Dashboard using an account with the Organization Administrator role
  • The website domain that you want to verify must be registered as a custom domain in your HubSpot account.


  1. In HubSpot, select the Marketing navigation item.
  2. Select the Files and Templates menu item.
  3. Select Files
  4. Create a new folder and name it .well-known
  5. Add the Apple Developer Merchant ID file to the folder.
  6. Select the file to view its details
  7. Set File URL to a value other than the built-in HubSpot URL.
  8. Copy the value set for File URL.
  9. Select the gear icon in the HubSpot navigation bar.
  10. In the Tools section, select Website
  11. Select Domains & URLs
  12. Select URL Redirects
  13. Select Add URL redirect
  14. Set Redirect Type to Standard
  15. Paste the File URL value you copied in the Redirect to input
  16. Set the Original URL value to https://[MYCHARITY.ORG]/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association, where [MYCHARITY] is the domain you are verifying.
  17. Toggle More options
  18. Set the Redirect style to Proxy
  19. Finish creating the redirect by selecting Add URL redirect
It may take a few minutes for your redirect to activate. You can check it by visiting the Original URL value in your web browser. If the redirect is active, the verification file will download.
  1. In the Fundraise Up Dashboard, view the settings for Apple Pay.
  2. Select Verify website ownership.
  3. Add the domain of the website where you want to activate Apple Pay. Include only the base domain (e.g. instead of
    Since you have already added the Apple verification file to HubSpot, you can skip the “Download verification file” step in the verification window.
  4. Confirm that the verification file is reachable by selecting the URL in the verification window. If the file is reachable, it will either begin downloading or display its contents within your browse
  5. Select Verify ownership.

    The verification window will close and the verified domain will be displayed on the Apple Pay settings page.

Troubleshooting Apple Pay activation

If you encounter problems while activating Apple Pay, refer to these support articles:

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