Understanding migration
Get your questions answered about migrating recurring plans to Fundraise Up.
What does my organization need to do to migrate?
The migration process is not automatic. It requires certain actions from the organization, including providing recurring schedule data, contacting legacy processor(s), and specifying a stop processing date. Learn more →
Is there a cost to migrate to Fundraise Up?
Fundraise Up provides the migration service free of charge. However, your current donation platform provider may charge a fee to transfer payment tokens to Stripe. Learn more →
What are the requirements for a successful migration?
To ensure a successful migration, your organization must have completed its onboarding with Fundraise Up and be using our fundraising software exclusively on its website. During the migration process, this ensures that new recurring plans are not created in legacy systems.
In addition, be aware of any restrictions or fees for transferring payment tokens from your current provider platform. While you can obtain this information during your communication with the legacy processor, a list of some of these processors can be found here.
How long will the migration process take?
The recreation of recurring plans in Fundraise Up takes a few minutes. Preparation time varies: 1-2 weeks if donor tokens are already in Stripe and 3-6 weeks if tokens need to be transferred from another payment gateway, such as Authorize.net, Blackbaud Merchant Services, iATS, or similar.
Some critical steps are performed on the organization's side, such as exporting data, contacting the previous vendor, closing any data gaps, etc. In our experience, the migration timeline is mainly influenced by the availability of the organization and the time it can devote to the preparation phase.
Can Fundraise Up do a test migration?
Yes, Fundraise Up can perform a test migration for any migration type to ensure a smooth transition.
Do we need to notify our supporters about the migration?
No notification is required, so the migration can go largely unnoticed by your supporters. However, this could be an opportunity to educate them about the Donor Portal and potentially increase donor retention.
How do supporters access the Donor Portal?
Supporters can access their Donor Portal through the link provided in the “Thank you” email following their first successful donation after migration.
Can Fundraise Up migrate data from multiple payment gateways or platforms?
Yes, we can handle migrations from multiple platforms or payment gateways. Please submit a separate migration request for each donation platform or payment gateway involved.
Will Fundraise Up notify supporters about the migration?
No, Fundraise Up does not notify supporters about the migration. The first communication they will typically receive after migration will be the donation receipt emails, although the email settings can be adjusted to your preferences. Learn more →
We recommend that you check the “Plan cancellation” or “Donation failed” emails in your legacy platform when you cancel the recurring plans.
How will donors be affected by the migration to Fundraise Up?
Our goal is to make the migration as seamless as possible for your supporters, ensuring data integrity and processing continuity. In some cases, supporters may notice a slight difference in their donation date during the migration. It's important to note that this delay will not affect their donation plans.
Can custom fields be migrated to Fundraise Up?
Yes, in addition to general donor and recurring plan information, we can migrate additional information as custom fields. This data will be accessible in your Dashboard and can be exported and synchronized with your connected CRM.
Can recurring plans that were created with Apple Pay be migrated?
No, recurring plans created with Apple Pay cannot be migrated to us. This is a limitation of the Apple Pay system itself, not Fundraise Up.