Step 2: Installation

In this step, you will add the Fundraise Up installation code to your website.

The Fundraise Up platform is activated by adding the installation code to your website.

The installation code must be installed in order for platform features like the Checkout modal and Elements to function (but it isn’t required to start creating Campaign Pages).

Fundraise Up recommends placing the code in the global <head> of your organization’s website so that it is active on all pages of your organization’s website.

Getting your installation code

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Your organization’s unique installation code is displayed in the Installation section of your Fundraise Up Dashboard settings.

It is important that you use only the installation code provided to you in the Dashboard, as it contains unique information about your organization’s Fundraise Up account.

An example of Fundraise Up installation code. Get your organization’s unique installation code here.

Code installation recommendations

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Fundraise Up recommends adding the installation code as the last script in the <head> section of your website.

The installation code loads asynchronously, which enables your organization’s website to load other content without page-load impact by the Fundraise Up installation code.

Avoid installing Fundraise Up using script managers like Google Tag Manager. Script managers can disrupt conversion reporting and impact platform performance.

Confirming installation

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To confirm that Fundraise Up has been installed on your organization’s website, check the source code of a page on your website where you expect the code to be present. The installation code should appear in the <head> area of the source code.

Adding code to different platforms

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Learn how to add installation code to other popular platforms:

Continue to Step 3: Payment methods →


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