Installation code

Activate Fundraise Up on your website using copy-and-paste installation code.

The installation code connects your website to Fundraise Up. Installing this code is one of the first steps in setting up Fundraise Up for your organization.

Find your installation code

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Your organization's unique installation code is available in Settings > Installation in your Dashboard.

Use only the code provided in the Dashboard, as it contains unique details for your Fundraise Up account.

An example of Fundraise Up installation code.

Add the code to your website

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  1. Copy the installation code from Settings > Installation in your Dashboard.
  2. Paste it into the <head> section of your website's HTML. Most content management systems allow you to add code to the <head> across all pages at once.
  3. Make sure it's placed as the last script in the <head> section for optimal performance. The code loads asynchronously, so it won't slow down your website while other content loads.

The installation code enables platform features like the Checkout Modal and Elements, but you don't need it to run Campaign Pages.

Do not install Fundraise Up using script managers like Google Tag Manager. Script managers can disrupt conversion reporting and affect platform performance.

Confirm successful installation

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To verify that Fundraise Up is installed correctly, check your website's source code. The installation code should appear in the <head> section.

Platform-specific installation guides

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Find step-by-step instructions for adding the installation code to your platform or framework.

Website Platforms

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For organizations managing several sites, see Embedding Fundraise Up on multiple websites →

New to Fundraise Up?
Our ten-step onboarding guide walks you through setting up features and collecting donations.


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